Conjee Zou About Me - Conjee

Chao Zou - Male - 35 Years Old - Chinese
Senior Frontend Engineer - 10+ Years Experience
San Mateo, CA -
JS/CSS/Html5 - Nodejs/C# - jQuery/Vuejs - Webpack/Git/VSCode/Sketch/Jira
Master Degree in Production Design - Bachelor Degree in Software Engineering
Web Optimization 6+ year

Improve rendering speed 10%-50% by lazyload.

Based on Dynamic Import and IntersectionObserver provide smart a solution to load components' bundles, async data, images only for the current screen on time.
Provide a standardized pure CSS skeleton to avoid CLS side effects.
At the same time deliver the full render version to meet SEO requirements.

Improve page load speed by CSR and PWA

With VUE tech, the render task has been assigned to each client. The node server only focuses on I/O tasks and the TTFB reduces 50%.

As FCP, LCP are all better than competitor's products. Organic traffic and Ranking both get benefit from it.

Web Architecture 7+ year

UI Framework Contribution

Build A Common UI framework with stable, consistent behavior and a friendly interface. Called CUI.
Html5 tech solution. include Client Cache, Notification, Preload/Manifest, Font Icon.


Experience of whole web tech immigration (immigrate from JQuery to Vue)
Keep refactoring code per each sprint's A/B testing and feature extension (rely on high effective auto test utilities)

CSS & Branding Design

Contribution of configurable theme based on CSS variables.
Abstract color schema base on branding (Successful branding upgrade with stable business model).

Coding Style Desc

Insist set CSS as the principal tool of UI state definition. Html defined the UX Interface/Data Structure.
Javascript Switch UI state and communication.

Prototype Delivery Skill

Fast deliver high-quality prototype with Sketch or code directly. The full experience of animation, interaction, and accessibility.Good at abstract business-level components.

UI/UX Design Skill

Deep understanding of responsive layout and color schema. Contribution of consistent CSS framework based on CSS variables with gold radio layout.

Full stack Familiar

Codie with nodejs or C# on server-side, build a web application with webpack, publish web application with AWS. Interested in AI algorithm. Experimented with a property price estimation. Learning TensorFlow.

Visualize Familiar

Familiar with data visualization frameworks like chartJs highchart 3djs. Interested in WebXR. learning 3d web applications. Experience of unity3d application.

Multimedia hobby

Amateur photographer which is focusing on humanities class. Familiar with Photoshop/Lightroom and Finalcut. Familiar with Logic Pro. Learning live midi keyboard performance. My Compositions

CSS/SassMajor Skill10 years
Html5/JQueryMajor Skill8/10 years
Vue/WebpackMajor Skill6/6 years
Nodejs/C#Familiar Skill6/3 years
Office/VS CodeMajor Tool10/5 years
Jira/GitFamiliar Tool6 years
Sketch/PhotoshopFamiliar Tool4/7 years
Logic Pro/Final Cut/AEHobby Tool3/1/2 years
Movoto LLC
2018 to Now - San Mateo, CA

Title: Senior Frontend Engineer

Responsibilities: Website UI Framework design, Website Prototype development, Web page design, and implementation, Component design, and development. (Vue, NodeJS)

Movoto Shanghai LLC
2014 to 2017 - Shanghai, China

Title: Full-stack Engineer

Responsibilities: Web page development, Website Component design, and development, Website Prototype development, Node server-side coding, build tool maintenance, web resource management. (jQuery, NodeJS)
Beyond Host
2013 to 2014 - Shanghai, China

Title: Senior Frontend Developer

PMS product Wireframe UI design, Web page design and implement, web Component design and development Base on MVVM development. (Ember, C#)
Wicresoft Inc.
2011 to 2013 - Shanghai, China

Title: Software Engineer

Microsoft outsources, Commerce Manage Agent Tool, Widget design and implement Web page design and implement Base on .net framework. (Jquery, C#)