About Us 关于“逐梦者”
Dream Chaser Ltd is based in Dunedin of New Zealand
“逐梦者”是一家新西兰公司,落地于新西兰达尼丁市。 旨在为前往新西兰游学、留学的学生以及学生家长提供最专业、最贴心、最全面的服务。
“逐梦者”的核心团队是一个名副其实的精英团队。他们均受过顶端的学术教育,且拥有丰富的实践经验, 这让“逐梦者”在针对用户的服务设计上,贯彻着高度的水准。他们还来自不同的文化背景, 正是他们多元化的思维以及对处理文化碰撞的经验, 使得“逐梦者”更走近游学生、留学生的世界,充分为孩子着想,为孩子们的梦想而努力。
The Founder of Dream Chaser
Amanda Liu
Amanda Liu is the founder of Dream Chaser. Just as the name of the company suggests Amanda is chasing her dream. Amanda
Amanda 是“逐梦者”的创始人。正如其字,Amanda也在通过“逐梦者”追逐属于她的梦想。
Amanda has studied in both China and New Zealand. She could fully understand the culture gap between those two countries and the internatinal students’ demand.
Amanda’s effors are aimed to help internatinal students study and live overseas comfortably and confidently, and achieve their life goals.
Business Mentor In NZ
Damien Mather
Senior Lecturer in Otago University
Amanda’s business mentor
Dr. Damien Mather's research concerns three major fields of enquiry: strategy, policy and branding in international business; pricing and distribution; and business communications. His areas of expertise include advanced quantitative research methods and techniques, customer analytics and market research.
Damien Mather博士的学术研究领域涉及三大领域:战略,政策和国际商业品牌; 定价和分配; 和商业沟通。 他的专业领域还包括先进的定量研究方法和技术,客户分析和市场研究。
Dr. Damien’s knowledge and professional skills help Dream Chaser understand international students and their parents more and design our programme better.
Damien Mather博士的专业知识和技帮助Dream Chaser更多、更深入地了解国际学生和他们的父母,并从国家学生的真正需要出发,设计更好的产品和服务。
Technical Support
Paul Hansen
Associate Professor in Otago University
The co-inventor of 1000Minds software, Paul is very interested in working with other researchers and students to apply 1000Minds to a wide variety of decision-making problems.
1000Minds helps Dream Chaser to match students with schools.
1000Minds帮助Dream Chaser通过专业的决策分析来实现学生与最佳学校的匹配。
The Director of Dream Chaser
Paul Hansen
Chung is a Cambodian who was born and grew up in New Zealand.
Chung lives in both Cambodia and New Zealand.
It is his multiculturalism background that enables Dream Chaser to cope with the conflicts and integration of different cultures, and help international students study and live better in New Zealand.长期游走于新西兰和柬埔寨之间。正是他的多元文化成长背景,使得“逐梦者”能更好的应对不同文化的冲突和融合,从而帮助留学生在新西兰更好地学习和生活。